Welcome to "3". Today we're talking about firsts. I've spoken to many marketers over my career and, well, I've asked them many questions, but I've never heard of the structure of a marketing department quite like this. Betsy Lee is the Director of Marketing for GRS Recruiting out of Cleveland. They focus on the technical sales recruitment market. Betsy, tell me about how your marketing department is set up. Are you a one-woman marketing department? Or do you have a team of marketers?
Betsy Lee: Well, I think it's most accurate to probably say that I am a one-woman trainer of marketers.
Drew: Wow, that's a first! I've never heard that before. You're going to need to explain that to me.
Betsy: Well, most recruitment firms, when they hire new people to come on board, they put them on the phones to make a 100 calls, or they send them out to collect resumes, and we do things a little differently here. We start by training people on how to market both clients and candidates. We do that through creating content whereby which they start to learn the language of our recruitment firm and how our industries differentiate from others, and they learn the research techniques that they need to be not only effective marketers, but eventually effective experts in the field of recruiting. And by reading and creating all of the materials that we use to effectively market to our candidates and clients, they're learning what they need to do to know to be experts in the field, which is what our clients hire. And they don't get that on day one; you've got to become a marketer and learn how to do that. And I work with our whole team about new marketing tools and how to implement them and what's best in the industries and markets right now.
Drew: Well, that really is a unique approach. It seems to have brought you success.
Betsy: It really has. We're having our best year in the company's history, but it only works because it's part of the integrated team-oriented approach that we take to our business here, and we marry that with a phenomenal database that started long before I got here. So I'm really happy to have inherited a great database; we maintain it, we feed it, and we use it in all that we're doing.
Drew: What an interesting combination! Give your customer-facing people training on content creation to learn the language of the customer and engage a true team-oriented approach while keeping your database well fed and maintained. Thanks, Betsy. Three insights in about three minutes is just one of the resources available to marketing leaders and business leaders from MarketingAccelerator.com. I'm Drew Dinkelacker.