Where do your marketing emails land? In your prospect's primary inbox? Social media inbox? Promotional inbox? Or does it just go straight to spam? Welcome to The Marketing Accelerator Podcast with three insights in about three minutes. I'm Drew Dinkelacker, and today I've turned to an email deliverability specialist. She's Yanna-Torry Aspraki of EmailConsul and has a decidedly interesting background. But now turning to business, email deliverability, now that seems to be an undiagnosed problem that just continues to grow.
Yanna-Torry Aspraki: It's definitely popping up on businesses radars a lot more now. Email-related metrics and the way that businesses are interacting with emails or subscribers interacting with emails, are changing drastically, not only within their own benchmarks, but within the industry itself. The inboxes and all email tools alike are slowly progressing, technology is growing, businesses are realizing that subscribers might be complaining that they aren't receiving emails or they see themselves that the emails are landing in spam. So luckily for marketers out there, the issue are not your subject lines or your content. Spammy words aren't the reasons for why emails are landing in spam anymore. Technology has gone far more further than that. Business decision is what is affecting your email marketing, the way that you're acquiring your list, the way that you're communicating in terms of volumes. Sending 20 emails a day is definitely not going help you. We want to make sure that we're focusing on engagement, and that we're able to remove people that are not engaging with emails anymore.
Drew: So it sounds like email is not dead. It's just the old way of doing email is dead. So what is the typical marketer missing about email deliverability?
Yanna-Torry: What they're missing is generally how inboxes work. We tend to believe that we all send emails, we all receive emails, we kind of all understand how that works, and, unfortunately, we do not. The inboxes in the email marketing software providers out there are doing a lot for us, which makes us just think about content and our subscribers. It's truly important to understand what the inboxes want from you, because they're just catering to what the subscribers want from you. They don't want a million emails a day. If you bought a mattress today, another email won't make you buy another one. It's important to understand how spam complaints work. Most inboxes don't tell you who complains of spam, which affects you in the long run, 'cause you're just accumulating complainers on your list and you're completely unaware from it.
Drew: If you don't know the rules, then you let Google determine where your emails land, and that's probably not going to land where you want it.
Yanna-Torry: It won't! It's extremely important to Google "Best Practices" with an email, not the number of characters in a subject line or emojis, those aren't the reason your emails are landing in spam, but truly thinking about what the human behind the email address wants is what's going get you there. All Best Practices are there to cater to the subscriber, which is who everyone's protecting. The inboxes, the blocklist and the blacklist, the marketing tools out there, and the first step would be to see how you're doing. Do a Google seed listing or come to our website at emailconsul.com/audit and we'll give you a list of email addresses, you send to it, and we will let you know where they land: the inbox, spam folder, or nowhere at all. That might be the first step to see if you are currently having issues or not.
Drew: That's all good stuff. Thanks, YT. The Marketing Accelerator Podcast is a production of MarketingAccelerator.com and just one of the resources we provide to accelerate marketing leaders. I'm Drew Dinkelacker.